"Scarus frenatus" I think
Photosynthesis gives the plant food/nutrients to be able to survive. They make their own food
Life cycle of a moss
An embryo further develops into a pear-shaped sporangium, which is the *sporophyte stage of the plant*. The sporangium contains spore sacs, each of which is the spore mother cell that undergoes meiotic division to form four spores,The spores are released and germination
takes place giving rise to a protonema, which develops into a new gametophyte plant. The gametophyte generation or haploid phase of the moss is from the production of haploid spores after meiosis to the period just before fusion of the haploid antherizoid or haploid ovum. The sporophyte generation or diploid phase is from the diploid mother cells just before meiosis.
Examples of moss plants include Funaria hygrometrica, Polytrichum commune, Barbuda Indica.
The following tests can determine the mineral in a rock specimen:
1. How does the rock crumble or split under pressure?
2. What is the texture of the rock?
3. Observing it under a magnifying lens.
4. Determine the color of the rock
Test 1 and 3 determines if the rock is granular and the types of grains in the rock. Test 3 also determines if the rock has layers hence sedimentary rock.
Determining whether color of the rock is dark or light also helps identify the mineral and type of rock.
They consist of double-bond and single bond, according to the type of DNA.