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El elemento que tiene el número atómico 56 en la tabla periódica del bario. El bario es un elemento del grupo dos.
Se combina con el cloro para formar cloruro de bario. que tiene la fórmula BaCl2 de acuerdo con la valencia de ambos elementos.
El cloruro de bario es un compuesto iónico.
This is google's answer for the last question
The kinetic energy increases as the particles move faster. The potential energy increases as the particles move farther apart. How are thermal energy and temperature related? When the temperature of an object increases, the average kinetic energy of its particles increases.
56.82 Kg
Given data:
1 Kg = 2.20 lbs
Number of kilogram in 125 lbs = ?
lbs is used for pound. lb is abbreviation of libra. It is Latin word meaning balance.
Both kilogram and pounds are units of mass. Pound is smaller unit than kilogram.
one Kg = 2.20 lbs
Number of kg in 125 lbs:
125 lbs × 1 Kg/2.20 lbs
125 lbs.Kg/2.20 lbs
56.82 Kg
A rock is any naturally occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals or mineraloid matter. It is categorized by the minerals included, its chemical composition and the way in which it is formed