How long is too long to have a fever?
According to an article in the Mayo Clinic, you should call a doctor if: Your temperature climbs above 103 degrees. Your fever has lasted for more than three days.Jan 1, 2020
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The tumor is either a benign (not cancer) of maligmant(cancer)
hope i could be of use:)
The Adults are just making him think that it is okay to use swears they are just being childish and they think it is cute they do not have the right parenting skills
I suppose you mean proper nutrition. Main function of digestive system is to break down food and turn it in to energy. You have most probably heard about calories. So, 1 gram of Protein is 4 kcal, 1 gram of Carbohydrates is 4 kcal and 1 gram of Fat is 9 kcal. (also let's not forget that 1 gram of Alcohol is 7 kcal) Average male needs about 2000 to 2500 kcal a day to function properly (it's slightly less for females it depends on bodyweight, amount of muscle mass and activity level)
Along with water those are Macronutrients (carbs,protein and fat).
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals essential for your body. For example Vitamin C, Iron, Zinc...
Now, proper nutrition is balanced diet filled with vitamins, minerals, quality sources of protein, carbs, fats and also filled with right amount of fiber which plays a vital role in your digestion by helping you with bowel movements and even lowering your blood cholesterol levels. So basically proper nutrition is connected to main function of digestive system in a way that by supplying your body with everything it needs, giving you right amount of energy it also keeps your whole body healthy at the same time.