Because it allows them to breathe and function.
<span>Cohesion- attraction of molecules of the same substanceCauses water molecules to be drawn together to form a smooth surface (surface tension)adhesion- attraction of molecules to different substances<span>The correct answer is A because the cohesion causes water to form in drops, and adhesion allows it to stick to different substances, such as the pine needles</span></span>
It most suppoet tge impact theory.
The his impact theory or the big splash is one of the accepted theories of tge moon and it states that the moon or luna and explain the origin of the moon that a Mars sized object planetestimal collided with the the proto Earth and the ejecta debris joined together by gravitational force which is the moon and it's orbit the Earth. The moon have similar composition to the outer portion of the Earth.
Vascular plants is the phloem, (vessal) that transports food and the xylem transports water. Nomvascular plants are small with no vascular system. Which means non vascular plants do not have a phloem or a xylem.