Answer: As a red photon has a twice of the wavelegth to the violet photon then the red photon has half energy of the violet photon.
Explanation: In order to explain the above statement we have to consider the Plack postulate where the energy of photons depend directely of the frequency . As the wavelength and frequency are related by :
c= λ*υ c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength and υ the frequency of the photon
so the energy of photons are inversely proportional to the wavelength.
As a consequence twice wavelengtht means half energy for the photon.
hope this helped : )

Bulk modulus is defined as the relative change in the volume of a body produced by a unit of compressive acting uniformly over its surface:

Hence the density of the seawater at a depth of 680atm is calculated as:-

Answer with Explanation:
We are given that
Area of loop=

Resistance, R=
We know that magnetic flux

Emf ,
Substitute t=0 s
Then, I=
=1.6 A
Substitute t=1 s
Then, I=
t=2 s
Current, I=
=1.6 A