For this paper, you will research the life and career of Milton Friedman providing an overview of his life and main economic the
ories paying particular close attention to the finer points of the Friedman doctrine. The paper should focus on these main ideas and use at least 3 outside resources: 1. What was Friedman's educational background
Milton Friedman was an American economist who wrote fundamental works in the fields of macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic history and statistics. In 1976 he received the Alfred Nobel Memorial Award for Economics for his achievements in the field of analysis of consumption, history and the theory of money and for his demonstration of the complexity of the stability policy. Friedman is regarded alongside John Maynard Keynes as the most influential economist of the twentieth century.
Friedman, who considered himself a classic liberal, represented the Chicago School, and emphasized the advantages of a free market and the disadvantages of government intervention. His basic attitude is expressed in his bestseller Capitalism and Freedom (1962). In it he called for the minimization of the role of the state in order to promote political and social freedom. In his television series Free to Choose, Friedman explained the functions of the free market and emphasized in particular that other economic systems could not adequately solve a society's social and political problems.