Photon of light
According to Bohr's model of the atom, electrons in atoms are found in specific energy levels. These energy levels are called stationary states, an electrons does not radiate energy when it occupies any of these stationary states.
However, an electron may absorb energy and move from one energy level or stationary state to another. The energy difference between the two energy levels must correspond to the energy of the photon of light absorbed in order to make the transition possible.
Since electrons are generally unstable in excited states, the electron quickly jumps back to ground states and emits the excess energy absorbed. The frequency or wavelength of the emitted photon can now be measured and used to characterize the transition. This is the principle behind many spectrometric and spectrophotometric methods.
The highest atom economy
2CO + O₂ ⇒ 2CO₂
<h3>Further explanation</h3>
The reaction for the production of CO₂
The highest atom economy
In reactions, there are sometimes unwanted products that can be said to be a by-product or a waste product. Meanwhile, the desired product can be said to be a useful product, which can be shown as the atom economy
of the reaction
the higher the atomic economy value of a reaction, the smaller the waste/ byproducts produced, so that less energy is wasted
The general formula:
Atom economy = (mass of useful product : mass of all reactants/products) x 100
Atom economy = (total formula masses of useful product : total formula masses of all reactants/products) x 100
So a reaction that only produces one product will have the highest atomic value, namely the reaction in option C
The answer is hard to give without any information.
velocity = 3250 Hz x 0.1 m
+2, because the element has more protons than electrons now