I believe what you're looking for is economics, but I could be wrong.
Yes cause he died in 1806 and went to debtors prison in 1798
an immigrant
imigrants come Frome different countries but move to a new country for a better life.
Answer to 1st question: They dug irrigation systems and canals to get the water to their crops.
Answer to 2nd question: They knew how to boost the immune system and they knew how to get the body to produce more white-blood cells. They also had a 90% success rate on surgeries, including brain surgeries.
Answer to 3rd: He had a big army and long roads leading all over his empire so if there was an uprising his army could travel quickly.
Hope this helps, have a good day. c;
b engage in organized and systematic study of phenomena to enhance understanding.
Sociology is a systematic study of happenings that relate to society and the relationships that form among the members of society.
This field started first as August Compte in 1830 proposed a science based on the methods similar to the ones that apply to hard science thereby pursuing to unveil the secrets about how groups in society come together and work for different purposes.
Today the scope of sociology goes into analyzing power structures, the interest formation, as well as individuals within a whole.