The excited state electron configuration of an atom indicates the promotion of a valence electron to a higher energy state.
The fossil evidence of both an ocean and a forest can be found at different depths in the same location because there might have been a presence of both an ocean and a forest at the same location at different times in the history of Earth.
It is clear from various studies that the Earth has had a diverse geologic history in which events like drastic climate changes, upsurging of oceans, rapid desertification, etc., have taken place many times.
Thus, the possibility of an ocean and forest having shared a single location at different times in the history of Earth cannot be neglected.
In advance
These are the safety precautions needed when carrying out duties in the fume hood.
When planning and preparing to work in a fume hood (a locally designed area to reduce exposure to hazardous fumes). It is advisable to make all equipment readily available at your disposal <u>in advance</u> to reduce and minimize the raising and lowering of the hood sash at intervals.
It is also pertinent to understand that working in the<u> middle </u>of the work surface helps to promote the movement of air and keeps the area neat and tidy.
However, if any case where there is a need to get a new tool or equipment during the process of working in a fume hood, it is advisable to <u>lower </u>the sash at that point in time.