Eustress - The stress response to agreeable or pleasant events.
- Stress is defined as a response to a stressor such as climate change, work load etc.
- Depending upon the stressor and the response produced, stress is classified as Eu-stress and distress.
- Eustress is a positive response that is healthy and beneficial for a person. Like stress due to physical exercise, Excessive laughing due to watching a comedy, happiness etc.
- Distress is a negative and a degrading response toward a stressor, it causes health issues like insomnia, hypertension etc. examples of distress are stress due to an accident, over exhaustion due to excessive work load etc.
2, 3, 4 should all work although possible 1 as well
honestly any non petroleum and coal energys ource helps pH of water
Alleles refer to the DNA!! So B!
active transport does move nutrients to areas with concentraition they do this and its called active transport because the body is activly moving it to a different part