Gloves would not be worn in which of the following examples?
e. when touching intact skin
New South Wales
The NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 includes disability as a grounds of unlawful discrimination. The NSW legislation covers similar areas as the DDA plus: partnerships (business) trade unions.
protects people with disability from discriminatory treatment in a range of areas including employment, education and access to services, facilities and public areas. The Act makes disability discrimination unlawful and promotes equal rights, equal opportunity and equal access for people with disabilities.
I believe the answer is D. Unintentional/preventable
A strong work ethic is vital to a company achieving its goals. Every employee, from the CEO to entry-level workers, must have a good work ethic to keep the company functioning at its peak. A work ethic is a set of moral principals an employee uses in his job. Certain factors come together to create a strong work ethic.