Answer:Group polarization
Group polarization is when a group which shares similar attitudes work together towards intensifying those attitudes more than they did when they had these ideas separately as individuals. Some intensified shared ideas may be risky such as when unrulyb mob gangs comes together to push their attitudes.
Some may breed fruitful actions such as mobilising together to protect the right of animals which may save lives of many animals.
Group Polarization makes an action possible that would have been impossible if someone was standing for the idea alone, numbers increase the strength of the idea to be implemented.
Group Polarization exist in order to give strength to persuasion, the attitude of a group is improved by their number more than it would if they were standing alone.
The term “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” was a euphemism used by Nazi Germany’s leaders. It referred to the mass murder of Europe’s Jews. It brought an end to policies aimed at encouraging or forcing Jews to leave the German Reich and other parts of Europe. Those policies were replaced by systematic annihilation.
Its main goal was to get rid of all Jews prior to hitlers dieresis.
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