NH3 +H2O = NH4OH
no.of N atoms,O atoms and H atoms are now equal on both sides of the arrow.
The answer is D.1.950 g
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They are:
H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2.
Note: whether the element At molecule is monoatomic or diatomic is incredibly arguable. While some say it exists as diatomic because it is a halogen like bromine, iodine etc, At is in fact extremely unstable and no one has ever really studied the molecules on it, so, when others say it is monoatomic, this is also based on calculations. But the other 7 elements listen above is for sure diatomic.
The main pieces of evidence that an exothermic reaction has occurred is an increase in temperature due to the release of energy, a release of energy in the form of light, or a release of gas.
Generally speaking a precipitate is something that will form as a result of the reaction. It generally is a solid material.
Sodium and nitrates are soluble so Calcium Phosphate would precipitate out....