5 atoms 2 iron and 3 oxygen I hope this helps
Topoisomerases are enzymes that produce changes in the topology of the DNA during replication, transcription, traduction, or reparation processes. They can cut one or both strands and in order to relieve torsional stresses in the supercoiled structure of DNA. With this, they help to maintain the chromosome's integrity. There are two types of topoisomerases: topoisomerase I (it cuts only one strand of DNA) and topoisomerase II (it is able to cut both strands of DNA).
This is called your manipulated variable or independent variable. If graphing, make sure to plot these points using you x-axis.
Experiment , because a law is after a certain thing is well studied and now they could make conclusions. An example would be something like observing a wart and then experimenting what could work to cure the wart .
Cancer is the result of unchecked cell division caused by a breakdown of the mechanisms that regulate the cell cycle. The loss of control begins with a change in the DNA sequence of a gene that codes for one of the regulatory molecules. Faulty instructions lead to a protein that does not function as it should