Good Parenthood Is Needed for the Childrens Mental and Emotional health, or pshycal health aswell ( I think ) and for future sake aswell
Good Parenthood Is Needed for Children Cause The children here today is going To be the next Generation of Human kind Well All Of the kids Is Going To be The next Generation of Human kind Thats Why They Are need To Be Tought well In studies for Y'know Might even Make another Inventions like what we have today Gadgets, T. V's, Car's and Other stuff But Thats were Teachers Come in, And When In need Of Affection and Love thats were The Parents/Family Come in Thats why The Parents/Family must give a Good Parent hood On Children or even Teenagers of there Son/Daughters Cause if Not The children might think think Of Why The parent wont Show them Affection or stuff And They might think of Suicidal stuff Like Example; Abusive Family Or Strict family, That kind Of stuff Thats why Parents must Avoid Giving Children Negative Thoughts
<em>Correct </em><em>me </em><em>If </em><em>Im </em><em>wrong </em><em>at </em><em>sumn</em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>And </em><em>Again </em><em>Im </em><em>sorry </em><em>If </em><em>This </em><em>is </em><em>wrong </em><em>this </em><em>is </em><em>just </em><em>mostly </em><em>answered </em><em>through </em><em>What </em><em>I've </em><em>learned </em><em>in </em><em>The </em><em>past </em>
Sry, I had the same question.
Sexual harassment ranging from name calling and inappropriate flirting, all the way to sexual misconduct, can have major negative consequences on both male and female mental health.
Short term, I would say A, low self image and self esteem. A seems to be the best answer.
Triglycerides are fats. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. This is because these two kinds of fats differ in their chemical structure.
Saturated fats do not have double bonds between the molecules which means there are no gaps and the fat is saturated with hydrogen molecules. Because there are no gaps, these fats tend to pack more closely together.
Unsaturated fats have double bonds which break up the chain of hydrogen molecules and create gaps allowing them to pack loosely and can thus liquefy at room temperature.