d) 12 V
Due to the symmetry of the problem, the potential (relative to infinity) at the midpoint of the square, is the same for all charges, provided they be of the same magnitude and sign, and be located at one of the corners of the square.
We can apply the superposition principle (as the potential is linear with the charge) and calculating the total potential due to the 4 charges, just adding the potential due to any of them:
V = V(Q₁) + V(Q₂) +V(Q₃) + V(Q₄) = 4* 3.0 V = 12. 0 V
Good morning! It's D. all of the above
Social backgrounds, culture, politics, education and economic reasoning might equally contribute to uncontrolled settlements. People live in disaster-prone areas partly for economic reasons. In the case of Semarang, where tidal flooding submerges houses, people stay due to economic factors.
Plus I took the test and got it right
_AnnieTheDreamGirl, 3/10/2022
Here's a useful factoid that you don't hear about very often:
1 volt means 1 Joule per Coulomb.
When 1 coulomb of charge falls or gets lifted through 1 volt potential difference, it gains or loses 1 Joule of energy.
If you want to lift 5 coulombs to a height of 1 volt, you have to give it 5 joules.
If you actually give those 5 coulombs 7.5 joules instead, they'll rise up to 1.5 volts above the potential where they started. The flowed through a potential DIFFERENCE of 1.5 volts.
(If they started at a point that's connected to the Earth, like a water pipe or a metal flagpole, then their new potential is 1.5 volts, because we define zero as the potential of the ground.)