A red apple absorbs all colors of visible light except red, so red light is the only light left to bounce off of the apple toward our eyes. (This is a big part of the reason that we call it a "red" apple.)
Here's how the various items on the list make out when they hit the apple:
<span>Red . . . . . reflected
Orange . . absorbed
Yellow . . . </span><span><span>absorbed </span>Green . </span><span><span>. . absorbed </span>Blue . . </span><span><span>. . absorbed </span>Violet .</span><span> . . absorbed</span> <span>Black . . . no light; not a color
White . . . has all colors in it</span>
According to research by several scientists, Saturn's rings aren't solid, as they appear from Earth. They are actually made up of floating chunks of water ice, rocks and dust that range in diferent sizes from specks to enormous, even house-sized pieces that orbit Saturn in a ring pattern.
Mechanical advantage is the ratio of force output from a machine divided by the force input into the machine.
Mechanical advantage measures the machine's force-magnifying effect. It is an advantage gained by using simple machines to accomplish work with less effort.