Air enters into the body through nose and proceeds to pharynx or windpipe afterwards it proceeds down and reaches to larynx the voice box and continue to proceed to trachea which is surrounded by rings so that by air pressure it cannot be collapse from there a divides into two side left and right bronchus then it conducted towards bronchioles which is the pathway to alveoli at last it reaches to its Final Destination (not that movie....hahah) which is alveoli where the exchange of gases takes place
Inflammation is a process by which your body's white blood cells and the things they make protect you from infection from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.
I got this from my notes, since I am studying it rn. Hope this helped:)
The environment significantly influences the expression of the genotypes to phenotype.
Phenotype pertains to the observable physical characteristics of an individual. Some examples are observed appearance behavior. It is a combination of the genotype which is the set of genes that an organism has, plus the environmental factors affecting the genes. The environment significantly influences the expression of the genotypes to phenotype.
For plants. :) :) :) :) ;)