You need to use a common denominator. The least common denominator of 11 and 22 is 22.
3/22 + -1/11 = 3/22 + -2/22 = 3/22 - 2/22 = 1/22
If you subtract the times periods form each you will be able to get your answer. So, 9:14-6:30 it will be 2 hours and 44 mins because from 6:30 to 7 it 30 mins, and from 7 to 9 it’s 2 hours. So far, add the two and you get 2h and 30mins and from 9 to 9:14 it’s 14 mins. So, 2h 30 mins plus 14 mins is 2h and 44mins.
60%, she asked 10 students and 6 of them had less than 16. 10/6= .6
let h = horse, let c = cow, let p = pig
so, that is 6 different ways she can arrange it.
(-1.7, -4.9)
to reflect across the x-axis multiply the x-value by negative 1