sodium cloride is salt created from sodium Na and chlorine Ci
Na-sodium Ca- calcium
Ci-chlorine FL- flerovium
Ca- calcium Br-bromine
H- hydrogen He-helium
Boiling points are related to the type of intermolecular forces between the compounds. if napatha has a lower boiling point hen it must have weaker bonds in it. Stronger bonds equal higher boiling points
the protons
the number of protons is constant for each sample of the element. If the number of protons differs, then it is a different element.
Hybridization is defined as the concept of mixing two atomic orbitals with the same energy levels to give a degenerated new type of orbitals.
The force affects acceleration because the force is how strongly the pull/push is on an object. The mass also affects acceleration because the greater the mass, the more force it would need to be accelerated.
Answer: Force and mass