Endocrine System
1.hyperkalemia-high level of potassium in the blood hyper-excessive kal/i-potassium -emia: blood condition
2. hyponatremia-low level of sodium in the blood hypo-insufficient natr/o-sodium -emia: blood condition
3. hypopituitarism-hyposecretion of one or more pituitary gland hormone hypo-insufficient pituitary/o-pituitary gland -ism: state of
4. polyuria-condition of producing an excessive amount of urine poly-many -uria: urine condition
5. polydipsia- excessive feeling of thirst poly-many -dipsia: thirst
Lymphatic System
6. lymphatic-pertaining to the lymph lymph/o-lymph -atic: pertaining to
7. splenomegaly- an enlarged spleen splen/o-spleen -megaly: enlarged
8. adenoiditis-inflammation of the adenoids adenoid/o-adenoids -itis: inflammation
9. thymoma-a tumor of the thymus glands thym/o-thymus gland -oma: tumor
10. tonsillitis-inflammation of the tonsils tonsil/o-tonsils -itis: inflammation
If the doctor is both of y'all doctors then yes. But if it is only your personal doctor then no because that is your personal matter, your doctor have to ask you first before giving the test result to your spouse.
Answer :
True because ppl don’t need to take the vaccine if they don’t want to .