The first 50 elements along with their valences are given below :
1. Hydrogen = 1
2. Helium = 0
3. Lithium = 1
4. Beryllium = 2
5. Boron = 3
6. Carbon = 4
7. Nitrogen = 3
8. Oxygen = 2
9. Fluorine = 1
10. Neon = 0
11. Sodium = 1
12. Magnesium = 2
13. Aluminium = 3
14. Silicon = 4
15. Phosphorus = 3
16. Sulphur = 2
17. Chlorine = 1
18. Argon = 0
19. Potassium = 1
20. Calcium = 2
21. Scandiun = 3
22. Titanium = 3
23. Vanadium = 4
24. Chromium = 3
25. Manganese = 4
26. Iron = 2
27. Cobalt = 2
28. Nickel = 2
29. Copper = 2
30. Zinc = 2
31. Gallium = 3
32. Germanium = 4
33. Arsenic = 3
34. Selenium = 2
35. Bromine = 1
36. Krypton = 0
37. Rubidium = 1
38. Strontium = 2
39. Yttrium = 3
40. Zirconium = 4
41. Niobium = 3
42. Molybdenum = 3
43. Technetium = 7
44. Ruthenium = 4
45. Rhodium = 3
46. Palladium = 4
47. Sliver = 1
48. Cadmium = 2
49. Indium = 3
50. Tin = 4
<u>Note</u> :
An element like Iron, copper can have more than one valencies.
MgBr(aq) + (NH4)3PO4(aq) -------> NH4Br(aq) + Mg3(PO4)2(s)
Electrostatic, meaning the attraction from one's positive nucleus is to the negative electrons of the other atom and vis versa.
Chlorine. Electronegativity rises as you go up and to the right on the periodic table.