28) All elements are made of atoms
29)Protons and Neutrons
-Electrons make up the outside of the Nucleus

Temperature and thermal energy are in a direct proportion which means that if temperature of a substance increases, its thermal energy also increases and vice versa.
Hope this helped!
The carbon and the nitrogen very often form bonds in nature, carbon-nitrogen bonds, which are covalent types of bonds. In fact, the bonds between the carbon and nitrogen are one of the most abundant in the biochemistry and the organic chemistry. The bonds between these two can be double bonds, as well as triple bonds. The carbon-nitrogen bonds have the tendency to be strongly polarized toward the nitrogen.
The single most important chemical weathering agent is Carbon dioxide.
Weathering refers to the process that change the physical and chemical character of rock at or near the surface. Weathering has a dramatic impact on the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Chemical weathering removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, allowing it to be transformed into limestone and stored in the crust. Without chemical weathering, the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would have long made Earth too hot to sustain life.