it should be 310.18 g/mol :)
The other dude is rude wrong
The correct answer is Dmitri Mendeleev
.Thermal energy, an extensive property, depends on the number of particles in a substance as well as the amount of energy each particle has. If either the number of particles or the amount of energy in each particle changes, the thermal energy of the sample changes. With identi- cally sized samples, the warmer substance has the greater ther- mal energy. hope that helps.
Certain things we think of as hard work, such as writing an exam or carrying a heavy load on level ground, are not work as defined by a scientist. The scientific definition of work reveals its relationship to energy—whenever work is done, energy is transferred.
For work, in the scientific sense, to be done, a force must be exerted and there must be motion or displacement in the direction of the force.