Sovereign means that an institution could rule over the rest of the people with complete authority. This can be found in a Dictatorship.
Under the dictatorships, every words that spoken by high government officials are absolute. The people have no right to question them unless they wanted to expose themselves to potential punishments.
The national government government will control every aspects of citizens life. This include things such as the type of jobs that they can pursue, the types of religion/ideologies should be taught to the people, the type of news that can be broadcasted in televisions, etc.
Diversion programs
Diversion programs, offers low-level offenders a chance to participate in treatment and also pay fees to avoid having a criminal charge on their record.
d. bound by the contract, under a theory of agency by estoppel
Marisol is bound by the contract because during the negotiation Charlie and Jamal, he created an appearance that will make Jamal believe that Charlie was his agent, he did not counter the claim that the bicycle was up for sale. Under the theory of agency by estoppel, a contract exist and is binding on a principal when he or she creates the appearance of an agency even though it actually does not exist. The action of Marisol created the impression that Charlie is his agent even though he actually is not so the contract is binding on him to sell the bicycle to Jamal.
B) anorexia, binge-eating-purging type
Anorexia nervosa can be defined as the way in which a person restricts themselves from taking or eating food which tend to lead to significantly reduction in their body weight which is less than 85% of their ideal body weight based on the person age and height due to their intense fear of gaining weight even when such person has a low body weight although this person may be underweight but may think that they are over weight .
Binge eating disorder (BED) occur when a person keep eating large amount of food because the person tend to lack how to control it making them to eat excessively whether they are hunger or not.
In some case this person can also place restrictions on the quantity of food they consume including the type of food they consumed and they sometimes display or show purging behaviour by inducing themselves to vomit.
Therefore Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder is the severe disturbances in eating behavior and weight management.
Answer: Merton viewed anomie as
societal overemphasis on success and underemphasis on the appropriate means to success.