The molecular weight is 77.7 kg/mol
The molecular mass of hemoglobin is equal to:

R = molar gas constant = 8.315 J/K mol
p = density = 0.998 g/mL
V = specific volume = 0.755 mL/g
s = sedimentation rate = ?
D = diffusion rate = 7x10⁻¹¹m²/s
T = temperature = 303 K
The sedimentation rate is equal to:

w = angular velocity = 39300 rpm = 246929.18 rad/min
xb,30 = boundary midpoint distance at 30 min = 4.525 + 0.074 cm
t = time = 30 min
xb,0 = boundary midpoint distante at 0 min = 4.525 cm

The molecular weight is: