Size and Temperature or E & B
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5.5 grams of reactants. According to the Law of Conservation of Mass, mass isn’t created or lost through any chemical changes, so the total mass should remain constant from the initial reactants to the final products.
A fusion reaction can be regarded as the type of reaction that occurs where two lighter elements come together in a type of reaction giving rise to a heavier/more massive element.
A fusion reaction always creates a more massive atomic nucleus (option c).
When the two lighter nuclei comes together in a reaction, a more heavier/massive nucleus is formed but its mass will still be less than the combined mass of the two reactant nuclei.
This also indicates that the left over mass may have been released as energy.
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The decreasing order of bond length in the carbon - carbon bonds will be:

Bond length is defined as average distance between two nuclei of bonded atoms in a molecule.Bond length is inversely proportional to the number of bonds present between two atoms.
Bond energy is defied as amount of energy required to break apart the bond of 1 mole of molecule into their individual atom. Bond energy is directly proportional to the number of bonds present between two atoms.
From [1] and [2]:

Extent of overlapping of orbitals in these hybridization;

Higher the overlapping of orbital more closer will be both atoms to each other and shorter will be the bond lenght.
So, the decreasing order of bond length in the carbon - carbon bonds will be: