Injury and death associated with traffic related crashes is one of our largest societal problems
- Despite several traffic laws in place, the number of road accidents has been observed to be not going down at the expected rate.
- The safety provisions made at different levels starting right from the insides of vehicle to the ones available on the road do not seem to have have helped to bring down the number of injuries and deaths happening from road accidents.
- Thus, the traffic related crashes and the deaths occurring due to these crashes have become a serious societal problem that needs to be resolved at earliest.
C. To have the United States control territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
No. The loan repayments begin after graduation
Increasing numbers of people no longer view the safety of their neighbor- hoods as the sole responsibility of the police. Throughout the world, citizens in areas plagued by crime and violence are uniting to work with local gov- ernment. Together, they have the knowledge and resources to identify and remove the sources of crime, drug use, and juvenile delinquency in their communities.
Developing and sustaining these partnerships requires strong local leadership from mayors, city managers, city planners, and other elected local officials. This monograph was prepared to help create that leadership by chronicling how local public officials have used community safety partnerships to build healthier communities.
A framework for using community-local government partnerships to reduce crime now exists based on the experiences of public officials in North America, Europe, Africa, and Australasia. This framework includes the following:
• Recognizing crime and safety as a quality-of-life issue.
• Working across jurisdictional boundaries.
• Recognizing the crucial role of political leadership.
• Developing tools and measures of success that involve the community and victims of crime.
The programs examined in this monograph illustrate that this framework works best when adapted to the specific needs of a community. Good gover- nance requires that mayors and other key local officials develop the capaci-
Answer: Cognition
Cognition is referred to as or known as the term which is mostly referring to mental processes that is involved in the gaining of comprehension and knowledge. These processes usually include the knowing, thinking, judging, remembering and the problem-solving. These are also referred to as or known to be functions of higher level of brain and thus tends to encompass perception, language, imagination and planning.