I think you're fishing for "temporary magnet" or something like that,
but I don't agree with it.
Credit card strips, refrigerator magnets, recording tape, bar magnets,
and big heavy horseshoe magnets are permanent magnets ... you don't
have to keep an electric current circulating around them to make them
But that doesn't mean that they stay magnetic no matter WHAT you do
to them. They can be DEmagnetized by being heated, dropped on the
floor, hit with a hammer, or in the presence of another, stronger magnet.
This interaction is known as <em>constructive interference</em>. It's a result of linear superposition.
Aristotle would describe an airplane as "Earthen metal infused with Air and propelled by elemental Fire".
Their presence spread in to the Renaissance from the Antiquity and Early medieval Ages, and was not consistently displaced until the Inquisition and philosophies such as classical physics.Aristotle's views on biblical theory were influenced by physical science. Many of the zoological findings of Aristotle found in his physiology, such as on the octopus ' hectocotyl (reproductive) head, remained incredible until the 19th century.