the Avogadro's constant that relates the number of particles to their number, in the unit moles
The molar mass of propanol- mass per mole propanol- can be directly deduced from its molecular formula with reference to a modern periodic table.

of propanol molecules would thus have a mass of 
C2H2 is the right answer I believe
the sun is the smallest object in our Solar System
First, you need to know what angelic acid is comprised of. It is written as C₅H₈O₂.
In order to solve for the mass of 2.6 moles of angelic acid, you need the mass of 1 mole of angelic acid. This can be found by adding the masses from the periodic table, like shown below:
5 carbon atoms = (5)(12.01g) = 60.05g
8 hydrogen atoms = (8)(1.01) = 8.08g
2 oxygen atoms = (2)(16) = 32g
angelic acid = 60.05 + 8.08 + 32 = 100.13g
Then, set up a basic stoichiometric equation and solve. The units should cancel out.

108 j
.24 j/g-C * 15 g * (55-25) =