Mostly glass, cement and ceramic are made from sand which comes from silicate .
(Correct me if I am wrong,)
are electrical signals
Feel free to correct me, I'm just trying to help
1. a receptacle in a church for the water used in baptism, typically a freestanding stone structure.
2. A type of writing or text style
There are mutiple definitions of font
Pure water may be identified by its density: it will have the lowwest density of the three solutions, given that the solutes (salt and sugar) increase the density (this is the easiests and quickest way).
You can also measure the freezing points or boling points to identify the pure water because the solutes depress the freezing points and increase the boling points.
To differentiate sugar water and salt water, you can probe which one conducts electricity, because salt water is a conductor (given that it ionizes into Na+ and Cl-) but sugar water is not a conductor.