Decent from a common ancestor; natural selection.
The disk diffusion test is used to compare the effectiveness of antibiotics. The incubated plate (results) will show bacteria growth except where antibiotic has effects. The more effective the drug, the inhibition zone will be greater. So the most effective antibiotic is the one that has the largest inhibition zone around the test site.
The populations become adapted to different environments and eventually become so different that they cannot interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Speciation is the evolution of one species into two different kinds, and when they become isolated, that is the final step, since they cannot interbreed any longer.
Terrestrial planet.
Terrestrial brings like us and animals live whereas as others don't satisfy any life.
no They exhibit the highest per capita resource consumption................................... Overpopulation is more common in LDCs, but typically per capita resource consumption is higher in MDCs