So an additional discount of 50% off the sale price would bringthe price to 35% (that is, 50% • 70%) of the original price. Thus, a $100item would cost $35 after both discounts. An 80% off sale means thatyou pay 100% – 80%, or 20% of the original cost of the item.
Step-by-step explanation:
Calculate the values of both r and s, that is
= 7 ( multiply both sides by 2 )
5 + r = 14 ( subtract 5 from both sides )
r = 9
= 3 ( multiply both sides by 2 )
3 + s = 6 ( subtract 3 from both sides )
s = 3
= 6 → C
-29 is 29 bars away from 0. 100 is 100 bars away from 0.
29 + 100 = 129
So the distance between -29 and 100 is 129. The answer is D.
the first 100 digits of pi are 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679