Answer: You will only see the color that cellophane lets through
Let's begin by the fact the whole electromagnetic spectrum is known as "white light", which is composed by a range of colors (wavelengths).
Now, if we have a source with white light (the Sun, for example) and we interpose a cellophane of any color (let's choose red), this cellophane will act as a filter and will only let pass the color of the cellophane.
This is because the filter will absorb the other colors of the spectrum.
One double bond consists 4 electrons, so 2 double bonds means 8 electrons
V_local = -x/t^2
V_convec = x/t^2
a = V_local + V_convec = 0
e) When a particle moves towards postive x direction its convective velocity increases, but at the same time the local velocity deacreases (at the same rate) when time increases
You can see plots for a) and b) attached on this document
The local acceleration is just teh aprtial derivative of the velocity with respect to t:

And the convective acceleration is given by the product of the velocity times the gradient of the velocity, that is:

Since the acceleration of any fluid particle is the sum of the local and convective accelerations, we can easily see that it is equal to zero, since they are equal but with opposit sign
This is because of teh particular form of the velocity. A particle will move towards areas of higher velocities (convectice acceleration), but as time increases, the velocity is also decreasing (local acceleration), and the sum of these quantities adds up to zero