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Major Depressive Disorder with a Seasonal Pattern
Major Depressive Disorder with a Seasonal Pattern which was formerly known as seasonal affective disorder happens when a person or individual experiences recurrent episodes of depression which often occured in late fall and winter which alternate with the person periods of normal mood and this often occur in women than men and It has a pattern of depressive episodes that occurs in line with seasonal changes. Although winter-type seasonal pattern is most common than Summer-type seasonal pattern.
Therefore Rose diagnosed will be Major Depressive Disorder with a Seasonal Pattern
The correct answer
Physical activity ensures that the body burns all the excess calories. Excess calories is normally converted into fat that is stored in the body causing obesity and heart diseases because some of these fats are stored in the blood vessels thus hindering blood circulation. This means that in such event where tats deposit in the blood vessels conditions such as heart ischemia arises therefere, lowering the health of the victim. in summary, physical activities increases wellness and fitness while lack of physical activity reduces one health.