C. you're able to reverse out of the parking spot
Straight-in parking is an approach of parking that allows a more flexible traffic layout where a driver can approach the spot from either direction and still safely park within the lines. It thus helps to prevent blockage of cars. Each car can move in and out freely preventing it from congestion.
This way of parking can leave you safe when you able to reverse out of the parking spot. It gives you greater control and makes it easier to maneuver out space. The benefits of Straight-in parking are,
- Allows for two-way traffic
- Drivers can line up the vehicle from multiple angles
- Saves time for drivers
So lift will be 30.19632 N
We have given area of the wing 
We know that density of air 
Speed at top surface
and speed at bottom surface 
According to Bernoulli's principle force is given by
Because you must Analysis each and every cold too find out which virus caused this.
It’s weird because Interpretation and Analysis have the meaning of examination