Answer: He didn’t grow a plant without fertilizer.
Explanation: Manu has nothing to compare his plant to. Meaning, he cannot prove that fertilizers help plants grow. He needs to grow a plant with and without fertilizer.
The most consistent way to obtain information about the evolution of species is to look at the fossil record. Another is to observe the differences between species currently on earth. Another is to use carbon dating.
C. Between rai and h
To be able solve this problem, it will be helpful to go and review the two - point mapping data generated for all the three genes that were involved. Putting in to considering that the map distances between jv-h (7.3 mu) and h-th (16.7 mu) equal the sum of the distance between jv-th (24 mu), having been given the distance between th-rai is greater (26.2 mu), the jv gene is said to be located between rai and and h.
Answer: Negative Charge
Explanation:because when you have a positive charge to electrons then you will get a negative charge
Bacteria are involved in production of many food products such as yogurt, cheese, pickles, etc.
Bacteria break down waste material so that our environment is not permanently cluttered with garbage, dead bodies, etc.
Bacteria are responsible for the production of important essential compounds that are necessary for life such as vitamin K production by E. coli in the gut
Some bacteria cause infections or produce toxic substances that are a threat to life and/or health.
Bacteria cause spoiling of food so that it does not keep as long as we may desire.
Some bacteria may cause infections of plants, threatening our food supply or ornamental plant.