Answer: They study Microoganisms
They study micro (meaning small) organisms, for example, bacteria and algae, which is extremely minature. It is difficult and dangerous if left infected, but their work is sucessful if worked with the right tools, they try to understand how microorganisms live in their small environment
Evolution. Like how we evolved from apes.
This process is called Denitrification. The process is undertaken by the denitrifying bacteria, whose action is converting nitrates in the soil to free atmospheric nitrogen and therefore, depleting soil fertility and reducing agricultural productivity. Examples of denitrifying bacteria are thiobacillus denitrificans, micrococcus denitrificans among others.
An agonist exhibit a positive biological effect similar to the receptor it stimulates. For instance, beta agonists (i.e. Salbutamol) stimulate the beta receptors in the bronchial system therefore leading to bronchodialtion. A competitive antagonist negates the function of the specific receptor by binding to the receptor binding site before the biological ligand. A non-competitive agonist negates the function of the specific receptor by binding to an allosteric site leading to a conformational change of the receptor site.