See explaination
Let's define tuple as an immutable list of Python objects which means it can not be changed in any way once it has been created.
Take a look at the attached file for a further detailed and step by step solution of the given problem.
Java is called portable because you can compile a java code which will spew out a byte-code, and then you run that code with Java Virtual Machine. Java Virtual Machine is like an interpreter, which reads the compiled byte-code and runs it. So first of all, you need to install the JVM on the system you want.
Complete Question
The complete question is shown on the first uploaded image
a) The required additional minterms for f so that f has eight primary implicants with two literals and no other prime implicant are and
b) The essential prime implicant are and
c) The minimum sum-of-product expression for f are
The explanation is shown on the second third and fourth image