Charles Wilson Peale I believe.
Thousands of meteorites, which are fragments of asteroids that fall to Earth, have been recovered. These primitive objects provide the best ages for the time of formation of the Solar System. There are more than 70 meteorites, of different types, whose ages have been measured using radiometric dating techniques.
Meteorites that fall to Earth represent some of the original, diverse materials that formed planets billions of years ago. By studying meteorites we can learn about early conditions and processes in the solar system's history.
Umm.. maybe my answer is not what you needed
I'm sorry ❤️
II-2 is a male so the genotype must have a Y in it. Majority of the other options do not have Y, so they are incorrect. Because the individual is male, the father has passed a Y chromosome, while the mother has passed an X chromosome. The X chromosome is Xn because the mother is hemolytic, which is a recessive trait. So both the mother's X chromosomes carry the hemophilia trait.
If you have 2 plants, take wheat for example.
If there's one species who can produce lots of grain but takes a long time to grow, and there's a different species who produces very little grain but grows quickly, many farmers will try and get both of the good traits.
If they want fast-growing wheat with lots of grain, then they'll breed them together and hope that they get a species with both of the useful traits.
The same goes for animals. E.g, cows that are very big but don't produce much meat and a cow that's small but produces lots of meat in proportion.