My best hobby is driving. Driving has something to do with Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object will continue to be in its state of rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted upon by an external force. This law means that an object will continue to be in motion in the same direction unless it is acted upon by a force. Newton's first law of motion is also called the law of inertia.
I usually experience the law of inertia when I am driving my car.
Every morning, for me to move the car from its state of rest to a state of uniform motion, I have to switch on the ignition, which represent an unbalanced force that move the car out of its states of rest. When I am driving, the car continue in motion and in the same direction, unless I apply the brake. The application of the brake is an example of applying an unbalanced force to stop a body in motion.
The block moves with constant velocity: for Newton's second law, this means that the resultant of the forces acting on the block is zero, because the acceleration is zero.
We are only concerned about the horizontal direction, and there are only two forces acting along this direction: the force F pushing the block and the frictional force

acting against the motion. Since their resultant must be zero, we have:

The frictional force is


is the coefficient of kinetic friction

is the weight of the block.
Substituting these values, we find the magnitude of the force F:
Air resistance, also called drag, acts upon a falling body by slowing the body down to thr point where it stops accelerating, and it falls at a constant speed, known as the terminal volocity of a falling object. Air resistance depends on the cross sectional area of the object, which is why the effect of air resistance on a large flat surfaced object is much greater than on a small, streamlined object.
Since we acknowledge that density is d= m/v, once we switch it up to maintain v as the number to be found it will change to v=m/d. Therefore, 275.32/7.562 is 36.408 and the unit is cm cube!
Hope that helped!!
Laws are statements about something that's been observed and stated while a theory is an explanation of what's been observed. This connection between them forms a main idea that many people regulate as "what's normal."