There are 55 multiples of 5 between 81 and 358
More than $1137.50 but less than $1327.34
The common difference is 8 because you add 8 to each number to get to the next number.
Well, if you wanted the answer, it is provided in the picture that you yourself have uploaded. However, if need more clarification on how to find that answer. Here I go.
So, you can ask yourself, how many numbers are on the cube? 6, from 1-6. So there are 6 possible outcomes. Now between the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, how many are the numbers 2, 3, or 4? There are 3, so it is 3/6, 1/2, 50%, or 0.5.
The property used in the simplification is: Distributive Property.
Step-by-step explanation:
" The distributive property is used to combine the two terms that had the same variable. The distributive property is the key to combining expressions with like terms.
Terms are like terms when they have the exact same variables with the exact same exponents" .
Hence, the property used in the simplification of this expression is a distributive property.