Hyponatremia occurs in an individual when the person has low
sodium level in his or her body. In order to have the patient to get his sodium
levels back to normal, drug therapy would be used. The nurse should treat the
condition with drug therapy through oral administration of the sodium chloride
tablets as oral ingestion of tablets is much effective in situations like this.
z Zz zo
z Zz zo
The males will have two copies of the alleles of the genes present on the Z chromosomes. As females have only one Z chromosome, they will have only one allele for the genes present on the Z chromosome.
The results from the punnet square show that there will be chance that the females of the F2 progeny will have curved-beaks.
The answer is B to the question
a. True
Coevolution is a biological process where pairs of species or among groups of species reciprocally affect each other's evolution through natural selection. This process produces genetic changes in the traits of interacting species that are a consequence of reciprocal adaptation between these interacting taxa. Coevolution occurs when species are ecologically intimate (i.e., they interact with one another), such as the interaction between hosts and parasites or predators and prey.
seismographs detect waves and vibration undergroud