Uranus is said to be made of fluids. Its atmosphere is its surface
Two Half-lives
Let number of Parent nuclei Initially present be X,
Then, finally
Parent nuclei Will remain with
daughter nuclei.
In one half- life , parent nuclei becomes half of initial.
So, starting with X parent nuclei,
After one half-life, it will degrade to
After another half life , Parent nuclei will become half of
Which is equal to
So, Parent nuclei have to go through Two half-lives.
The questions tha science can answer are those can be tested to try to find a definite answer.
For example, whether light is wave or particle is matter of science.
Questions that cannot have a definite answer are the field of religion or philosophy, and are out of the boundaries of science.
For example, does a criminal deserve the punishment of not seeing light? It is a moral question, which to be responded needs the intervention of philosophy and that could have different anwers at different times and in different societies.
In a 0.01 M solution of HCl, Litmus will be red. Litmus paper will turn into red in acidic conditions. Hydrochloric acid is an acid. Litmus is an indicator for acidity and alkalinity made from inchens.
they will both do the exact same thing, as long as they are bothh identical