Jute is obtained from Jute plant naturally that is why it is considered as a Natural Fibre. It seems golden in color.
A submission from India says the name Priyadharshini means "Beloved and pleasing to look at" and is of Sanskrit origin. According to a user from India, the name Priyadharshini is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin and means "God gift".
As per the given Figure attached here we know that both charges q1 and q2 will apply same force on charge q3 and hence the resultant force due to both charges will be along Y axis vertically upwards
So here we know that

now from the above equation

so both of the charges will apply 0.288 N force on q3 charge along the line joining them
now the net force due to vector sum is given by

here we know that angle is

now we have

so net force on q3 is 0.46 N vertically upwards along +Y axis
Build a filter.
Dig water from the ground
1408.685 KN/C
R = 0.45 m
σ = 175 μC/m²
P is located a distance a = 0.75 m
k = 8.99*10^9
- The Electric Field Strength E of a uniformly solid disk of charge at distance a perpendicular to disk is given by:

part a)
Electric Field strength at point P: a = 0.75 m

part b)
Since, R >> a, we can approximate a / R = 0 ,
Hence, E simplified relation becomes:

E = σ / 2*e_o
part c)
Since, a >> R, we can approximate. that the uniform disc of charge becomes a single point charge:
Electric Field strength due to point charge is:
E = k*δ*pi*R^2 / a^2
Since, R << a, Surface area = δ*pi
E = (k*δ*pi/a^2)