Classification of the Elements. These three groups are: metals, nonmetals, and inert gases.
Most ocean waves obtain their energy and motion from the wind.
Ocean waves are surface waves that move across the surface of the ocean. When wind touches the surface of the water, there is friction in the contact zone. This friction causes a drag effect, that makes wrinkles on the surface of the water. As the wrinkles get bigger, they transform into full-blown waves, and the taller the wave, the more energy it can extract from the wind, making them even bigger and to move longer distances.
Have a nice day!
Line spectra are obtained when individual elements are heated using a high-voltage electrical discharge. This heating causes excitation of the element and a subsequent emission of distinct lines of colored light are obtained. Each element has its own unique emission line spectrum; therefore, if any of the tested substances were the same, their spectra would match. However, this is not the case so none of the substances are the same.
11. Not sure, magnetic fields maybe? 12. Atmosphere 13. Rotation about the axis and wobble 14. Asteroids 15. Comets