Because it's literally impossible to tell exactly where something that size is
located at any particular time.
And that's NOT because it's so small that we can't see it. It's because any
material object behaves as if it's made of waves, and the smaller the object is,
the more the size of its waves get to be like the same size as the object.
When you get down to things the size of subatomic particles, it doesn't make
sense any more to try and talk about where the particle actually "is", and we only
talk about the waves that define it, and how the waves all combine to become a
cloud of <em><u>probability</u></em> of where the particle is.
I know it sounds weird. But that's the way it is. Sorry.
That is, mechanical waves cannot travel through a vacuum. This feature of mechanical waves is often demonstrated in a Physics class. A ringing bell is placed in a jar and air inside the jar is evacuated. Once air is removed from the jar, the sound of the ringing bell can no longer be heard.
Planes don’t have mirrors
The answer is carbon dioxide. This primordial earths’ atmosphere was composed by gasses from degassing of the earth's interior after its formation. It is after the beginning of life that oxygen levels began to rise and levels of carbon dioxide began to reduce in the atmosphere (as a result of photosynthesis).
No one can answer that kind of question since it was a specific project.