Traits, evolution, adaptive
First we will find the speed of the ball just before it will hit the floor
so in order to find the speed of the cart we will first use energy conservation

So by solving above equation we will have

now in order to find the momentum we can use

a) F = 2250 Ib
b) F = 550 Ib
c) new max force ( F newmax ) = 2850 Ib
A) The force the wall of the elevator shaft exert on the motor if the elevator starts from rest and goes up
max capacity of elevator = 24000 Ibs
counterweight = 1000 Ibs
To calculate the force (F) :
we first calculate the Tension using this relationship
Counterweight (1000) - T = ( 1000 / g ) ( g/4 )
Hence T = 750 Ib
next determine F
750 + F - 2400 = 2400 / 4
hence F = 2250 Ib
B ) calculate Tension first
T - 1000 = ( 1000/g ) ( g/4)
T = 1250 Ib
F = 2400 -1250 - 2400/ 4
F = 550 Ib
C ) determine design limit
Max = 2400 * 1.2 = 2880 Ib
750 + new force - 2880 = 2880 / 4
new max force ( F newmax ) = 2850 Ib
Decibels (dB) measure sound levels
Heat is the main component in why everything is not 100% efficient. Heat is a byproduct of everything and cannot be avoided.