Hello there use something that looks like this
This is an accurate representation of something you are working on!
As you can see the wire and the core are represented on the left and is showing how it can be represented on your right hand and how they are similar!
I believe it is False.
Hope my answer has helped you!
Answer is B.
In a lever, the effort arm is 2 times as a long as the load arm. The resultant force will be twice the applied force.
Hope it helped you.
in this case the minimum amount of force required must be equal to the friction Force. i.e <u>Newton</u><u>'s</u><u> </u><u>first</u><u> </u><u>law</u><u> of</u><u> </u><u>mot</u><u>ion</u><u>.</u>
therefore the maximum amount of frictional force is equal to the applied force which is 60N.
because of the net force acting on the object is zero the object is in constant motion . i.e equal and opposite force must be applied so that the object is in constant velocity therefore the total frictional force must be 60N