For ligation process the 1:3 vector to insert ratio is the good to utilize . By considering that we can take 1 ratio of vector and 3 ratio of insert ( consider different insert size ) and take 10 different vials of ligation ( each calculated using different insert size from low to high ) and plot a graph for transformation efficiency and using optimum transformation efficiency we can find out the insert size.
i) SF:
ii) BM : 
Let's take,
Making y the subject of formula, we have :

For shear force (SF), we have:
This is the area of the diagram.

The shear force equation =
For bending moment (BM):

The bending moment equation =

Looks like mold that got frosted over
A civil engineer.
Civil engineering is the science that deals with the design, creation and maintenance of constructions for civil use on the earth's surface. Thus, this specialty seeks to adapt soils to the needs of life in society, creating buildings, bridges, and all other constructions adapted to civil life, while taking care of the correct use of soils and the correct distribution of spaces and resources. to be used for such constructions.